Monday, December 23, 2013


I have a problem
With my comfort zone
And the lack of desire
To leave it
I do not wish
To be uncomfortable
And so I do not
Step over the threshold
I am weak and weary
I have succumbed
To laziness
I still desire
That all be healed
But I lack
The drive, the energy
(Dare I admit, interest)
To get up and act
I'm comfortable here
Maybe I'll get up
Tomorrow or the next
But if I don't move
How can I grow
And so how do I live
To live, I must live

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Imaginary Friends

Here I was thinking…

Fake people wouldn’t hurt me the same way
If they weren’t real, how could I get attached
How could they hurt me
And so then how could I hurt them

I should have known better
Of course I’ll get attached, real or imaginary
And even an imaginary friend can say no
Can go away and leave me to ache

So if you weren’t real, does that make you fake
Yes i suppose it does, after all
Didn’t you say you loved me, and then leave
So then you couldn’t have been true

And so now I’ve learned my lesson
But am I any better off for it
I would give my heart away again I think
To someone who tells me they love me

So now I’m thinking that maybe
Even though you’ve gone, it will be okay
After all, I still love you, real or not
And that’s enough for me