Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Moment

There is a moment
A moment in life
Where something changes
Something is different
A shift in the atmosphere
And then suddenly
All at once
But only for one moment
We can see each other
See into our hearts
Into the depths of the soul
Of the person beside you
And in that moment
We understand
All the history and pain
The struggle and the victory
The past, present, and future
So much which has been hidden
Is suddenly revealed
For just that second
You understand why
And you feel the same
Then time moves on
And our secrets
Are hidden once again

Friday, November 22, 2013

To Protect Life

at his right hand
his brother
tired and weary
yet strong
ready to fight
to forge on
by his side
protecting their prize
he settles down
into his fight stance
catches his brother’s eye
nod of encouragement then
focuses on the danger
and then behind
his sister
weak and worn down
having fallen
over and over
she lies
on the ground 
half alive
so little strength left
hardly even to stand
but stand firm she will
holding her own
she will never give up
never give in
never accept defeat
neither will he
he will press onward
and face the enemy
to protect his brother
his sister
his family
never will he surrender
to do so would be
to lose his own life